
Knowledge is power

SAN ANTONIO — As he stood in front of the Lincoln Memorial Aug. 28, 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. didn’t inspire America and alter the course of history by saying, “I have a strategic plan.” Instead, he proclaimed, “I have a dream!”

Dreams are at the heart of successful fundraising. Sure, we need detailed plans carefully delineating strategies, timelines and benchmarks. But an inspiring vision is essential to stirring people to action and motivating them to donate in a fiercely competitive philanthropic environment.

There are more than 1 million nonprofits in the U.S., and more than 5,000 in the San Antonio area alone. Put yourself in the shoes of those being solicited (you probably are one). Here’s the rub: You’re not being asked to choose between the good and the bad, but between the good and the good.

Research shows that it’s the passion of the solicitor that makes the biggest difference in whether prospects give. Fancy brochures and collateral material don’t influence decisions.

Passion and conviction begin with the dream of how we want to make the world — or some part of it — better. Dreams ignite the engine. They empower people, turning both professional and volunteer fundraisers into superheroes who do not know the meaning of the word “no.”

Nonprofit organizations must put dreams at the top of their to-do lists. Fundraising dreams should be big. Here are some touchstones for translating a lofty dream into a compelling case for support:

What void does the dream fill, addressing a need not met by any other organization?

How will you persuade prospective donors to give now, not later?

What will the dream contribute to the local economy and quality of life?

Does it elicit a wow response?

Alamo Colleges Foundation board and staff have embraced such a noble dream — being able to award a foundation scholarship to every student who applies and is eligible. Last year, we awarded scholarships to 1,600 students worth $1.4 million. But for every student who received a scholarship, we turned away two due to lack of funds. Based on an average award of $880 (more than half of annual tuition and fees), an additional $2.5 million to award for scholarships would have enabled us to bridge the scholarship gap. We have set progressively larger annual targets so by 2018 we can turn our dream into a reality.

Dreams can create a variety of good causes that save and touch lives. One of the best ways to do this is by sharing stories of those who are served. Personal stories can make a profound impact. Fundraisers take on challenges that seem impossible to overcome. Needs will always outweigh available resources. Inevitably, just as we are about to attain one dream, the next one — probably even more ambitious — comes into focus.

Do you dream of making the world a better place? If so, you’re on your way. It can be a powerful spark for your favorite nonprofit organization and the beginning of a path to a brighter future.

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