
Top 15 Inspiring Philanthropy Quotes

Many people have talked about charity and aid, whether to the environment, to a better world or the needy.

Here is a collection of top 10 list of inspiring philanthropy quotes:

  1. “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” [Winston Churchill]
  2. If charity starts at home, it should not end there. [Sir Francis Bacon]
  3. It is more a blessing to give rather than receive. [Acts 20.35]
  4. Social advancement is dependent on the increase in moral sensibility as it is upon a sense of duty. [Jane Addams]
  5. One should not only know how to receive a gift, he should have the grace to share it. [Maya Angelou]
  6. The fall of angels came about due to desire of power in excess; Man’s desire of knowledge in excess caused him to fall. However, the acts of charity have no excesses. Neither man nor angels face any danger from it. [Sir Francis Bacon]
  7. Every charitable act becomes a stepping stone to heaven. [Henry Ward Beecher]
  8. This is the truth of the matter is; you can create a legacy and inspire others by giving to philanthropic organizations. [Michael Bloomberg]
  9. It is better to be humanitarian rather than human. [Kowtham Kumar]

Philanthropy quotes on wealth distribution

There are several philanthropy quotes that inspire people to share wealth and improve livelihoods of those around them. Here are a few of these philanthropy quotes:

  1. My resolve is to stop accumulation of wealth and engage in a worthwhile and difficult task of wisely distributing it. [Andrew Carnegie]
  2. People are dispersed when wealth becomes centralized; when it becomes distributed, people are able to come together. [Confucius]
  3. Giving out money is quite easy, any man has that power. But the decision of whom to give, when and how large, for what purpose and how, is not easy neither in every man’s power. Hence, that excellence is noble, praiseworthy and rare. [Aristotle]
  4. If one cannot motivate himself, he must be content with mediocrity no matter how impressive his talent is. [Andrew Carnegie]
  5. That what we do for ourselves dies with us; what we do for others in the world remains after we are gone and its immortal. [Albert Pike]
  6. Philanthropy is commendable, but it must not cause the philanthropist to overlook the circumstances of economic injustice which make philanthropy necessary. [Martin Luther King Jr.]

These inspiring philanthropy quotes give us the energy and morale to help out where we can. It is always good to help out where one does not expect anything in return. This is what true citizens of this world do.

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